Pre-filters & flush timers
The Delta water softeners are available with a number of accessories and maintenance products that keep your system in top condition. One of these is to install a pre-filter in the main water pipe.
Prevent biofilms and legionella contamination with automatic flush timers.
Manual pre-filter PFS-M
The Delta water softeners are available with a number of accessories and maintenance products that keep your system in top condition. One of these is to install a pre-filter in the main water pipe.
Manual pre-filter PFS-M
If the water supply contains a lot of contaminants in the form of solid particles, a pre-filter can be placed on the supply side. This filter has a BYPASS valve so that the filter bowl can be removed for cleaning without interrupting the water supply. After replacing the filter canister, the valve can be put back in the operating position OPEN and the filter will be in service again. Can be installed in both vertical and horizontal water pipes thanks to the 360' rotatable pipe connection. Only suitable for cold water systems: <40'C.
H2Optimizer AFP-01 Automatic pre-filter
Based on the Delta Talent manual pre-filter, our H2Optimizer tech department has developed an automatically operating self-flushing pre-filter. Once properly adjusted to the local conditions, this pre-filter in principle requires no more maintenance than replacing the 9V block battery once a year (with average use).
AFP-01 parts overview
H2Optimizer AFP-01 Automatic pre-filter
The AFP-01 Automatic from H2Optimizer is an automatic self-cleaning pre-filter. For the filter section, the manual Delta Talent PFS-M is used with the BYPASS valve, which allows maintenance without interrupting the water supply. A water timer is then fitted under the filter bowl, which functions as an automatically operating flushing valve. This works on a 9V block battery, the status of which is indicated in the display. Start time, flushing frequency and flushing duration in time (volume) can be set very broadly and flexibly, depending on the requirements and local situation. Can be installed in both vertical and horizontal water pipes thanks to the 360' rotatable pipe connection. The flushing water can be led to a water discharge point (open drain) with a flexible hose.
The AFP-01 Automatic self-flushing pre-filter works on the overpressure in the main water line and this must be between 1 - 8 bar water pressure. Only suitable for cold water systems: <40'C.
Aquador Electronic flush timer
For water taps that are little or not used and that are indicated in a Legionella management plan, the Aquador Water Timer can be used for a good flow. These can be set to per hour or part of a day, daily or weekly. We have the Aquador Electronic® Water Timer with alkaline batteries 9volt (photo) which is used for cold water. The timers can be mounted quickly and easily on any water tap with a water pressure of 1 to 8 bar.
Aquador Electronic flush timer
Automatically operating flush timer for little or unused water pipes to prevent microfilm deposits that form a breeding ground for harmful and dangerous bio-organisms such as the legionella bacteria.