
Your specialist in the field of water quality, water hygiene and water safety

Our motivation

Everyone has the right to clean and safe water! And the more public water quality comes under pressure, the more fanatically we work to offer you a reliable solution, in close cooperation with our specialized partners.

Our values

Why you can count on us? Because we continuously search for the best products and innovative technologies, so that you are assured of optimal clean and safe water, at home and elsewhere.

Our customers

Our products and systems find their way to private individuals, offices, hotels and guesthouses, B & B's, catering establishments, healthcare institutions, spas, contractors, shipping, etc.

Our story

It started in 2017 with a specific activity from a health advice center. A vital body requires a healthy lifestyle. And a healthy lifestyle partly depends on the influence of external factors such as pure clean and vital water. So we sold water filters. And then customers asked if we could also supply water softeners. Subsequently, the question came from the hotel industry and maritime sector whether we also had UV-C water sterilizers in our program. Water supply systems require periodic checks due to the risk of contamination by micro-organisms such as the dangerous legionella bacteria. Our delivery program now offers an innovative, rapid and reliable solution for this too.

By mid-2020, the range had become so extensive that the next step could no longer be missed: setting up a separate department with its own brand name and website. And that has become H2Optimizer.